Hoth Gear

I'm going to stand here and laugh for a while.

(goes afk for 30 minutes)

Some of you thought that new torsos couldn't be added! Well, you're right! They can't!! ^_^
BUT. Existing torsos can be used, which is exactly what this mod does. It snatches the Hoth Gear from Single Player and allows you to choose it as clothing for the entire game (or in Multiplayer). Yes, you can select it from the menu - No, you don't need the mod to select it - Yes, it is extremely difficult to do it without the mod.

Personally, this is going to be my pick for skin until I have one to call my own, but I urge you guys to all get this. It has a new set of pants, and a new torso for ya.


New Torso: Yes
New Pants: Yes
New Head: No


Hoth Gear - Screenshots  
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