Alora (SP) Fix


Y'know those tiny fixes in the game that you wanted to do in the back of your head but never got around to doing them? This was definitely one of them: The unused Alora2 model in singleplayer. I always pondered why they'd bother to negate the other Alora model, other than because of the deformation hole in the back. Then again, that didn't stop the cultist from debuting, did it? Anyway, this fix, has taken the initiative and finally fixed the issue, having the Taspir Alora utilize the other, previously unused alora model. It was instantaneously refreshing. IN-STANT-TANE-EE-USS.

I checked in SP to ensure it had the intended effect, and everything works perfectly. So little effort, yet such a big difference. Why this hasn't been done publicly before is beyond me, but no more. I'm definitely going to keep this around, as I personally appreciate the change, however minuscule it may seem. Acquire this if you use Alora at all, be it an NPC or if you play SP profusely.



Alora2 SP Fix  - Screenshots  
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